Alumni scientiae Bohemicae, z.s. also known as ASB Society.

ASB society is a platform connecting students, young professionals, alumni with student organisations, companies and other institutions not only from the Czech Republic. Main aim is to provide support to young professionals and students from various research and education areas. ASB Society has over 100 members and collaborators and supporters. The most important projects organized by ASB Society are Chemistry Race, chemistry-based team competition, Expedition Mars youth competition and Journal of the ASB Society. Chemistry race is organized once in a year in cooperation with Cambridge University (Department of chemistry) and University of Pardubice (Faculty of Chemical Technology). Expedition Mars targets young people with a multidisciplinary focus who are involved in several activities within whole year. At the end of the program, the simulated five-days long mission takes place and test the skills and abilities of students. The Journal of the ASB Society (JASB) is a multidisciplinary open-access peer-reviewed science journal for young researchers. In the form of full-length articles, rapid communications and special issue articles, JASB aims to promote original high-quality research by undergraduate university and high school students.

Members of ASB Society also collaborate with Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MSMT) on annual preparation workshops. These workshops are focused on preparation of young professional and scientist for international competitions, such as European Union Contest for Young Scientists (EUCYS), Regeneron International Science and Engineering fair (ISEF), Interntional Wildlife Research Week, Swiss Talent Forum, etc. More about the activities can be found in the project section below:

The Journal of the ASB Society (JASB) is a multidisciplinary open-access peer-reviewed science journal for young researchers. In the form of full-length articles, rapid communications and special issue articles, JASB aims to promote original high-quality research by undergraduate university and high school students. The Journal of the Alumni Scientiae Bohemicae Society (JASB) is a pioneering publication set up to provide exclusively undergraduate, young professionals and high school students the opportunity to gain experience in scientific writing. It not only aims to alleviate the first contact hurdle with publishing pressure, but also to encourage and most importantly promote outstanding research by younger scientists. Another opportunity for submittees is to encounter proper writing form early on. All of this effectively leads to the simplification of possible future endeavors in impacted journals. More information is listed on the journal page: journal.asbsociety.com
Chemistry Race is a chemistry competition for teams of 3-5 sixth-form students. Competitions is realised in Czech Republic (in collaboration with Faculty of chemical technology) and England together with Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge. The teams race against each other in solving chemistry problems; who gets the most points within the time limit, wins. More information can be found on the website of czech (www.chemiklani.cz) or English (www.chemistryrace.com) run of the competition.
Expedition Mars in an international competition organised by NGO organisation “Alumni Scientiae Bohemicae”. Young Czechs and Slovaks ages 13 to 18 can participate, especially those interested in natural science and technology. The competition’s first year took place in 2004 and was initially named Expedice Vesmír, later on Expedice Space One and Space Two and since the year 2007 its name has stayed Expedition Mars. The competition is prepared by former finalists themselves. After finishing their year as participants they stay and go through special training and classes mandatory for all new organisers. Then, combining their experience from the competition and newly gained knowledge, they help improve Expedition Mars. The goal of Expedition is to find students that are truly curious, want to know how a space mission is created and are interested in natural sciences. At the same time they need to have the motivation to improve and evolve. Expedition is a stepping stone, which brings together talented young people from the Czech Republic and Slovakia and provides them with many new opportunities. More information at project webpage: www.expedice-mars.eu

Svoboda bez hranice

Svoboda bez hranic je nezisková organizace založená v roce 2020. Iniciační aktivitou byla podpora studenského hnutí v Hong Kongu formou otevřené petice, která za několik dní získala přes  2000 signatářů, převážně z řad akademické obce, studentstva a dalších významných osobností veřejného života. Text petice i s počtem signatářů byla doručena k rukám tehdejšího premiéra Andreje Babiše. Svoboda bez hranic se v prvních dnech Ruské agrese podílela na rychlé pomoci ukrajině a uprchlíkům války. Během krátké doby se nám podařilo na základě potřeb zástupců Studentské reprezentace na Ukrajině a Lvovské státní univerzity vnitřní správy dát dohromady zásilku humanitární a obranné pomoci. Celkem jsme na místo určení doručili téměř 7 tun materiálu a následně cestou zpět pomohli 68 lidem dostat se za svými blízkými. Organizace se snaží aktivně zapojovat do veřejného života při různých připomínkových akcích a krizových situací, kterých v poslední době přibývá. Více na stránkách www.svobodabezhranic.eu


Rotary International – Rotaract

Organizace Rotary international, pod kterou spadají i Rotaract Cluby po celém světě sdružuje více jak 1.2 milionu členů, kteří jsou spolu svázáni nejen přítelskými, pracovními názorovými a dalšími vazbami, ale především touhou po pozitivní změně v rámci nejen své komunity a distriktu, ale i rámci celosvětového působení. Jako podorganizace v rámci Rotary se postupem času vyčlenila skupina zahrnující mladé lidi ve věku od 18 do 30 let. Tito mladí lidé, se hlásí ke stejným odkazům jako jejich starší kolegové z Rotary a snaží se svou motivaci, energií a nápady ovlivňovat lidi a komunitu ve které žijí. Jen v České Republice a na Slovensku, které jsou sdruženy do jednoho distriktu 2240 je v současné době 14 klubů, které sdružují více jak 250 lidí.